I love taking pictures, much like my dad did! So I wanted to share my pictures with family and friends locally and all over the world, so what a better way then through the internet.
Enjoy the weblog and please feel free to leave a comment.
HeyRuss, how are you? I’m not on facebook anymore but I check up on Colin’s account daily , o.k. numerous times daily (poor kid) anyhoo I came acrooss your web page which I had seen before when I was on facebook and it is great! I really enjoyed looking through all you pitures. You sure know how to have fun 🙂 I must say I’m a bit curious about the spaghetti tacos?? While we don’t see eachother often, I’m glad to be able to see your family through this website. Keep em comin!!
And I know he’d enjoy them as much as I do…XO